Acupuncture therapy
Acupuncture needles send a pulse to the brain that gets ahead of pain signals. This is how long-standing muscle clamps go away. The method helps to activate blood circulation and significantly reduce the strain on the spine.
LFC (therapeutic exercise)
A peculiarity of our organism is that the bone and cartilage tissues have no blood vessels of their own. Nourishment is carried out only by the blood vessels in the muscles. Exercise helps to activate this process. They increase blood circulation, improve metabolism, stretch muscles, relieve spasms, reduce the load on the spine and joints.
Surgical Treatment
This method is rarely used. As a rule, when pain spreads to the extremities and nerve tissue in the spine is damaged, as well as in the absence of effect and the presence of nerve root compression.
Often intervention is performed using modern techniques of minimally invasive surgery. Such a method can even return a dislocated vertebra to its natural position.
First and foremost is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, in particular, adequate regular physical activity. The most effective way to relieve back pain is considered swimming.
When in the water, the muscles work intensely and without verticalization. This helps to normalize all structures of the spine, release nerves, and, consequently, stop their compression.
Consumption of plenty of clean drinking water can also be recommended as a way to relieve pain. Because the electrolyte balance is normalized, and therefore the conduction of the nerves.